10 sales tricks to sell your house quickly

When selling a property it is very often the small tweaks and adjustments which make all the difference and make your home stand out. You will likely have come across a list of the best 10 sales tricks to sell your house quickly and dismissed them. However, they can make a huge difference and we have identified 10 relatively small fixes which individually make a difference but together could be transformational.

Tidy up your garden

In reality many of us are not gardeners, and have no interest in gardening, but we know a badly kept garden when we see one! It may surprise many people to learn that first impressions do make a major difference when it comes to buying a property. If your garden is unkempt and untidy then that does not bode well for the inside of your property. Removing a few weeds, adding a few flowers and generally brightening the place up can make a huge difference. We are not talking about spending lots of money on a landscape gardener, just doing the basics well and giving the right impression for your property.

sales tricks to sell your house

Looking outside of your property

We have seen many instances where the untidy state of pathways and neighbouring properties has had a significant impact on homes for sale. So, when we suggest looking outside of your property this will take in some of your land but also the public pathways and neighbouring gardens. For example, if you came to view a property and saw a large heap of furniture on the side of the public pathway waiting to be picked up, that doesn’t give a good impression. Also, a large hedge between gardens may have been cut correctly on one side but not the other. If this is a problem, ask your neighbour if they would be okay if you cut their side of the hedge to tidy up the whole area.

Keep your hallway tidy

We all do it, kick off our shoes, hang up our coats and leave bags cluttered on the floor of the hallway. If you are expecting visitors to view your property it is essential that you keep your hallway tidy because while your garden and outside will be their first impression, the hallway will be the first impression inside the property. Simple things such as putting your winter coats away, possibly storing them under the stairs, and ensuring that those shoes and boots you only wear once in a blue moon are not visible. In reality, this bit of tidying will also make your house a much safer place to walk around!

Deep clean your home

Many homeowners will carry out their own spring/deep clean once a year which enables them to get into the nooks and crannies that are often missed. It is therefore sensible to consider some form of deep clean prior to potential buyers viewing your property. Again, like so many of these adjustments, it can have a huge impact on their first impression. While a deep clean might require a lot of elbow grease it is relatively inexpensive and potentially worth its weight in gold when your viewers arrive. Once you start, deep cleaning can very quickly become addictive!

Avoid drastic changes to your property

Once you start thinking of potentially drastic changes to your property ahead of a sale, the cost of these changes can very quickly add up. You may look to freshen up the bathroom, perhaps some of the bedrooms are in need of more colourful decor or there may be some elements of your carpet showing signs of wear and tear. No matter how enticing it is to make drastic changes to your property, think twice before you do so! The chances are that those who eventually buy your property will have their own ideas, their own design style and they will want to put their stamp on the property. So, your expenditure on drastic changes could turn out to be a waste of money.

Little changes but not a lot

It is very often the small subtle changes which make a huge difference to the appearance and the feel of your home. Something simple such as creating more floor space in the hallway by moving some items into storage cupboards can give a great first impression. Why not look at repainting your front door to freshen it up and make your home more welcoming? Alternatively, why not use a high pressure washer to clean your path and bring it back to life? These are very subtle but often very visible changes which can subconsciously put potential buyers at ease as they first view your property.

Clean your windows

How many times have you looked through the kitchen window and struggled to see clearly? Well, they look just as bad if not worse from the outside looking in as they do from the inside looking out. Don’t wait until your window cleaner is due, simply clean your windows where it is safe to do so and even call out your window cleaner if the upstairs windows need cleaning. Just imagine your house is one of two properties of a similar price and style. One has bright and clear windows you can see through and the other, doesn’t! Which one would you go for?

Home sweet home

While not all of us are gardeners with green fingers, that does not stop us bringing the outside inside! Something as simple as a bunch of colourful flowers in the kitchen can add that finishing touch to the home sweet home look. They can also complement your well-kept garden and often act as a conversation starter with garden enthusiasts. The more welcoming you make your property the more at home your potential buyers will feel, leading to a strong feelgood factor. The better they feel about your property the more likely it is to remain in their mind, encouraging them to make an offer.

Lighting can change a room

For many years the stereotypical central light has been commonplace across homes the length and breadth of the world. Unfortunately, many people seem to underestimate the power of lighting and how it can change not only the look but also the mood of a particular room. There is now a growing trend for sidelights as opposed to central lighting with the option to fade lighting to bring the mood down. You don’t need your property to look like a well-lit showroom, you want it to look like a home and prompt your potential buyers to feel in that moment – once they feel that, they are hooked!

Don’t hide any rooms

It is imperative that all rooms in your home are tidy because you can guarantee if you miss one room when showing them around, potential buyers will wonder why. Their mind could work overtime; they could begin to wonder what was wrong with that second bedroom and what work might be required. So, it is best to ensure that all of your rooms are clean and tidy and even if it’s just a glimpse and popping their head around the corner, potential buyers will not start to get suspicious. If you show them round four or five rooms in your house and miss one out, you can guarantee their mind will focus on that one room!


There are many simple tips and tricks for those looking to sell their property as quickly as possible. If you can enhance a potential buyer’s first impression of your property then you have a good chance of retaining their interest. If you retain their interest there is every chance they could come back with an offer or at least request a second viewing. We are not talking about renovations, we are talking about spending lots of money but just simple straightforward changes can make a huge cumulative difference.

